Médiathèque de Mouans-Sartoux
Samedi 3 février 2018 de 14h à 22h
par Christian Vialard
dans le cadre de La Semaine du Son
Une Journée Sonore, par Christian Vialard
Médiathèque de Mouans-Sartoux (06)
Éric Arlix et Valérie Bourquin, Catriona Shaw, Philippe, Fernandez, Gauthier Tassart,
Yannick Dauby, Wan Suhen, Brigitte Zieger, Jérôme Poret, Jean Daviot, Richard Prompt,
Eddie Ladoire, Jérôme Joy, Eglè Vismante, Système Castafiore, Damien Aspe,
Renaud Bésy, Emilie Lamoine…

Du 1er au 3 février 2018
Compositeur invité au Conservatoire
de musique G.Verdi de Milan
Département de Musique Électronique
dans le cadre du projet européen InterMusic
(Interactive Environment for MUSIC learning and practicing)
Colloque international coordonné par le Conservatoire de musique G.Verdi de Milan et les partenaires : Royal Danish Academy of Music (RDAM) Copenhagen, Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater (LMTA) Vilnius, Politecnico di Milano (PoliMi) et l’Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC Bruxelles).
Giovanni Cospito, Paolo Ferri, Roberto Antonello, Stefan Gies, Naomi Barker, Carol Johnson, Gualtiero Volpe, Rafael Ramirez, Claudio Allocchio, Jérôme Joy, Augusto Sarti, Chris Chafe, Christen Stubbe Teglbjaerg, Kenneth Fields.
Présentation à propos de la musique en réseau (Network Music Composition)
abstract de ma présentation :
The series of Internet based technological developments in recent decades affects and transforms so deeply our practices and perceptions that the very notion of auditorium cannot remain untouched and unscathed. What we discern as a listening space for production and reception of music and for sound propagation in space and in time is now overlapping the specific physical structures and architecture (concert halls, venues, esplanades, etc.) towards enlarged and invisible sensory enveloping forms: internet auditoriums.
We have to examine those ‘spaces’: their architectural filiation with places and rooms, their plasticity and acoustic properties for being built, planned, settled and landscaped for listening, their ability to locate and seize listeners and to be explored by sound productions designed to be listened to. This research involves what the author considers as an extended ‘music’ for expanded and expanding auditoriums (Internet auditoriums, Earth-Mars auditorium), i.e. an idiomatic music for correlated and ‘tuned’ spaces and for members of audiences attuned to a homogeneous and co-constituted setting or field, as virtual and intangible as it is, in which they consider they are co-present and participating ‘in space’ and ‘in time’ (synchronisation, de-synchronisation, re-synchronisation, resulting from delays, and so on).