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SOUND WALK with Boris Shershenkov

Vendredi 17 novembre à 19h et samedi 18 novembre 2023 à 14h

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The Lighthub project explores the essence of electric lights, which is fundamentally different from natural light sources.

The designs of technogenic light streams are based on human visual inertia. They carry a significant amount of information hidden from the eye but located within the temporal limits of our auditory perception. Participants of this walk by means of custom-made phonoptic converters will have the opportunity to synesthetically investigate the lights of Bourges such as advertisements, car headlights and street lighting systems, and create a light map of the area saved in sound. During the first part of the soundwalk, we will walk together from Antre Peaux to Palais Jacques Cœur and explore the light environment of the surrounding areas.
The second part of the walk – the recording of the « Lighthub Bourges: Jacques Cœur » cartographic piece, during which participants will move along predetermined routes according to the special map score.

Boris Shershenkov – independent artist and researcher, Ph.D. (candidate of technical sciences), educator and musical instrument designer. Focusing on projects that develop new methodologies in technological and sound art, he investigates the relationship between humans and technology combining modern techniques with media archaeological research.
The number of participants is limited to 10
The overall length of the walk is 1,5 hours
17 November – 19 h
18 November – 14 h
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